miHoYo’s hit continues to dominate the mobile RPG space as it approaches its second anniversary. Analysts from Sensor Tower have released new data indicating the game’s global success.

  • On August 24, when the version 3.0 of the game was released, Genshin Impact generated $12 million globally (via Sensor Tower).
  • From its launch on September 28, 2020 to August 2022, miHoYo’s title generated over $3.6 billion in total player spending on iOS and Android.
  • China accounts for 32% of the game’s total revenue, followed by Japan (24%) and the US (18.2%).
  • Genshin Impact also generated 110 million downloads globally.
  • China is a leader in terms of downloads, accounting for 21.4% of total installs. It is followed by the US (11.8%) and Russia (6.9%).

Genshin Impact’s road to success

miHoYo spent $100 million to develop and market Genshin Impact. Despite numerous comparisons to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild before launch, the game quickly became a hit in its own right.

As of now, the Chinese studio spends around $200 million per year to further develop and support Genshin Impact, which makes it one of the most expensive live service titles.

The game generated $60 million on mobile in its first week, reaching $400 million in revenue on iOS and Android by December 2020. This turned miHoYo into one of the leading mobile developers globally, with its annual revenue approaching $800 million in 2020.

It took Genshin Impact less than six month to top $1 billion in mobile revenue, faster than other highest-grossing titles like Pokémon GO, Lineage M, and Clash Royale. Sensor Tower’s Craig Chapple broke down the key factors contributing to the game’s success in our interview last year.

miHoYo’s project crossed the $3 billion mark in 551 days after its launch. Right now, Genshin Impact generates around $1 billion every six months on average, which helps it stay in the top 5 highest-grossing mobile games globally.

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