In yet another curb on China’s video games industry, the country’s authorities told Tencent and NetEase to remove ambiguous representations of sexuality and identity from games. Content glorifying wealth should also be removed.

“Obscene and violent content and those breeding unhealthy tendencies, such as money-worship and effeminacy, should be removed,” official Xinhua news agency reported, via France24. Video games companies failing to comply will be punished, the agency added.

A Gay’s Life, 2018

As University of Hong Kong associate professor Geng SongThe explains, the new guidelines reflect the perception by the political establishment that “effeminate men are physically weak and emotionally fragile” and, therefore, unable to defend the nation.

These latest guidelines were communicated during a meeting between the Chinese authorities and Tencent and NetEase. It was during this same meeting that the publicity department of the Chinese Communist Party and the country’s gaming watchdog National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) revealed that they are temporarily suspending approvals for all new online games.

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