We continue our review of 2024 together with top managers and experts from the games industry (and related fields). Up next is an interview with Magnus Alm, CEO of Songs of Conquest developer Lavapotion.

What was the year like for the studio? What would you like to highlight in terms of achievements?

Overall it was a good year for us. We released version 1.0 of our game Songs of Conquest. We also released SoC on consoles as well as our first DLC.

Songs of Conquest

How has the situation on the games market changed from your point of view?

All platforms are getting very crowded in terms of the number of games released. Maybe we will see a slowdown due to the lower investments and rounds of layoffs and studio shut downs during the recent years.

What was the year like for the genre you work in?

Strategy games feel like a solid genre in terms of player interest. It’s not overhyped or underhyped, it has a stable and interested playerbase that is on the lookout for new titles.

What trends in your niche do you expect to intensify or emerge in 2025?

Our games were an homage to the old Heroes of Might and Magic games. I’m happy to see that a resurgence in interest is happening, and I’d like to think that our game has had a lot to do with rejuvenating the genre. Heroes of Might and Magic is coming back in a new edition next year and I’m looking forward to play it!

Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era

What are your studio’s plans for the coming year?

Continue expanding Songs of Conquest to more platforms (mobile and more consoles). as well as releasing more DLCs. And as always within this industry, we are in talks about a few exciting, but still secret, opportunities!

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