According to a report titled “The Global Gaming Study: The Future of Subscriptions” from market research firm Simon-Kucher & Partners, 35% of gamers across 17 countries have a video games subscription.

Most paying subsribers are concentrated in countries like India and Indonesia, while in the US, only 20% of gamers actively use a subscription service.

Interestingly, among the surveyed subscribers, 80% are interested in multiple subscriptions.

Those who have already signed up for one or several subscription platforms, named the quality of the games as the top reason for signing up. Other reasons include the price, number and diversity of games.

Non-subscribers, on the other hand, were not sold on the price of the subscription services. They also cite their desire to actually own games rather than rent them as another factor preventing them from signing up.

The main takeaway is that subsriptions already account for a big portion of the market, but there’s plenty of room for growth.

