Popular gaming YouTuber videogamedunkey has formed his own publishing label BIGMODE. The goal is to help indie developers with fresh ideas to launch their titles and offer friendly contracts to creators.

The story behind Bigmode

Jason Yevgeniy Gastrow, also known as videogamedunkey, shared the news in a new video on his YouTube channel. He noted that he plays nearly every title that comes out, across all genres, so he has a good understanding of what games players really want.

I’ve been on YouTube for 11 years now and one of the core themes of my channel has always been to slam dunk soulless cash grabs into the garbage can and lift up and praise the truly inspired works of art in this medium. For years and years, I have always sought out the very best indie games out there and have tried to do them justice, putting millions of eyes on the games that actually deserve attention.

Jason Gastrow

YouTuber and founder of Bigmode

Gastrow co-founded Bigmode with his wife, YoTuber Leah “Leahbee” Gastrow. Together, they will focus on publishing and supporting “some of the very best games out there.”

What will Bigmode offer game developers?

  • Gastrow noted that Bigmode accepts titles at any stage of development. The company can help with funding, QA, porting, PR, localization, and offer other services.
  • “We’ve put a lot of effort into making the most developer-friendly contracts possible,” Dunkey said. Although the exact terms remain undisclosed.
  • While Gastrow promises to offer developers full creative control of their projects, he wants to be involved in development. “I understand what kind of ideas always work, what ideas never work, what kind of ideas are fresh or need to come back, and what is extremely played out,” he noted.
  • According to Bigmode’s website, it currently has no signed games. It is looking for projects with clear creative vision made by devs with deep gaming experience and understanding.
  • It is worth noting that Bigmode doesn’t accept any games that use blockchain, crypto, or NFTs.

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