The latest WN Connect took place on July 27 in Shanghai, China. Here are some results of the event that was held in connection with ChinaJoy, the largest digital entertainment conference and expo in Asia.

WN Connect Shanghai'23 brought together over 270 people from companies like NetEase, Tencent, Perfect World, and Dotemu

WN Connect Shanghai’23 was the fifth games industry event organized by WN Media Group in China. The company has already hosted one large conference in the country and three smaller events, two in Shenzhen and one in Beijing.

The latest WN Connect brought together 273 people, which is a new record as each of the previous WN Connects in China attracted around 150 people. This time, BD and sales managers accounted for almost half of all attendees.

WN Connect Shanghai’23 was attended by 176 companies, including Perfect World, MY.GAMES, iDreamSky, Baidu, Yoozoo, Bilibili, Tencent, Scopely, NetEase, 505 Games, Dotemu, Yodo1, and Lilith Games. The vast majority of them were developers (49%) and publishers (33%).

Note: companies could choose multiple specializations

The event was supported by PagSeguro as the general sponsor and AlgoriX as the networking sponsor. PagSeguro provides companies with payment solutions in 17 Latin American countries, and AlgoriX is a service provider that offers mobile publishers various monetization and advertising tools to scale their games and apps.

WN Connect Shanghai’23 was also the first event held in partnership between WN Media Group and ChinaJoy. The two companies announced a mutually beneficial collaboration last month.

ChinaJoy 2023 was held from July 28 to July 31. During the four days, it attracted nearly 500 Chinese and foreign exhibitors from 22 countries, and the total audience reached 338,000 people.

Below are some photos from WN Connect Shanghai’23.

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