WN Cyprus’22, the business conference for games industry professionals, was held from September 8 to 9. WN Media Group has now shared the results of its latest event.

Overall, 550 people attended the conference. Business founders and executives accounted for 57% of all attendees, followed by developers (17%) and business development managers (14%).

WN Cyprus’22 welcomed 350 companies. Most of them were game development studios (38%) and publishers (13%). A significant share, 12%, fell on marketing firms.

The conference was attended by companies from 48 countries, with European teams accounting for 63% of all participants.

Speaking of the program, most talks were dedicated to different business aspects of the games industry. For example, AdQuantum urged attendees to treat the making of ad creatives like working on miniature games, while Owlcat Games discussed the role of community management in retaining the audience.

These two Q&A sessions drew a lot of attention in particular: a talk from a Google Play representative on the first day and a large-scale presentation by Robert Bagratuni, CEO of Atomic Heart developer Mundfish.

Marina Lopatina, business development director at Talents in Games, shared the results of “Cyprus’ Games Industry Salary Survey”. Game World Observer will release more details about it in the coming days.

Active networking, like at any other WN Conference, was one of the main parts of the event. Companies like AppsFlyer, Sociaro, Liftoff, Adjust, Nexters, and Prospectacy participated in it, with some of them also acting as sponsors.

“We were happy to be back in Cyprus,” WN Media Group COO and partner Yulia Lebedeva said. “This is a wonderful island with an energetic and creative community. So it was a great pleasure for us to receive extremely warm feedback here.”

The next event organized by WN Media Group will take place next week. The WN CEO Summit will take place in Istanbul on September 21. It is a limited-access event for C-level executives of the games industry.

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