Amplifier Game Invest, a subsidiary of Embracer Group, has launched new development studio Zapper Games in Raleigh, North Carolina.

According to the press release, “the new studio is based on a pioneering investment model, where Amplifier Game Invest establishes and funds the company, provides a wide range of development support, while the top tier talent, backed by solid financial incentives, drives the creative vision of the studio.”

Seasoned developers Josh Mills, Abey Miranda and Mike Tata have formed the core team of the new studio.Zapper Games is now hiring. The founders intend to “leverage their long experience in PC and Console games to design and build their own game IPs in a sustainable and inclusive environment.”

Zapper Games has become a fully owned subsidiary of Amplifier Game Invest, joining the ranks of 14 other game development companies already part of the Amplifier group. Amplifier itself is one of the eight operative groups within Embracer Group.

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