A huge anonymous spreadsheet has been compiled that shows gamedev salaries. The list includes data shared by devs from the US, Canada, and other countries. And it should help people “get paid what they deserve.”

The link was shared by developer Christer Kaitila, who has worked on more than 100 games. The spreadsheet was created by GLITCH founders Evva Karr and Nicolaas VanMeerten.

Karr also shared a little summary of the 2020 data. The spreadsheet now has 822 entries, with the top earner being a creative director making $1.05 million a year. 72% of participants were white, 13% were Asian, and 4% were Latin.

The main categories in the spreadsheet include job title, region, gross salary, hourly rate, studio size, years of experience, gender, and ethnicity.

The directory is available here, with Evva Karr now collecting submissions for the new spreadsheet for 2021.

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