NetEase plans to use AI technology in the upcoming mobile version of its MMO Justice Online. This would allow players to chat with NPCs and trigger unique reactions based on generated dialogues.

NetEase will use AI tech for dialogue generation in its MMO Justice Online Mobile

Justice Online Mobile

  • Niko Partners director of research and insights Daniel Ahmad wrote on Twitter that “the first game version of ChatGPT” will soon appear in NetEase’s Justice Online Mobile.
  • “Through AI tech, it would create conversations that are fully voiced, emotive and impactful,” Ahmad noted. Some of these generated dialogues could even affect the behavior of NPCs and relationships between them.

  • As detailed by some Chinese media, players can cause a rift between the NPC couple, change their perception of certain things, and get help from virtual characters with kind traits.
  • The model built into Justice Online Mobile is trained on history books, poems, songs, and martial arts novels, so NPCs act in accordance to the Song Dynasty setting.
  • Ahmad added that NetEase plans to use AI technologies not only for dialogues, but also for quest generation, content creation, and character customization. “Only 1 demo so far, so unclear how in depth it is or if it’s just a marketing gimmick for now,” he noted.

In other news about the use of AI in game development, a group of Danish researchers recently released the MarioGPT model to generate Super Mario Bros. levels. And here is a use case for fine-tuning Stable Diffusion to create Red Alert-like game assets.

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