Kickstarter saw a slight decrease in pledges to video games, with a total of $21.8 million collected through different campaigns in 2021. The tabletop category, however, continues to grow.

For comparison, game developers collected a total of $22.9 million on Kickstarter in 2020, according to the data the company shared with Polygon.

2020 was also the first year since 2015 when users pledged more than $20 million to video game campaigns.

Although the overall donations decreased in 2021, there were 428 successful video game-related campaigns on Kickstarter last year, which is up 4.9% compared to 2020.

On the other hand, pledges for tabletop games increased, with people donating $270 million to them in 2021 (up 14.4% year-over-year). Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game was the most successful tabletop project, collecting a record-breaking $9.5 million.

Last year, Kickstarter also announced an upcoming shift towards blockchain, which is set to start in Q1 2022. Although a lot of developers criticized this decision and threatened to never use the platform again, the company doesn’t plan to give up its ambitions.

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