From now on, game developers will be able to self-publish their titles on the Epic Games Store. All thanks to new tools available to any studio as long as it meet the platform’s requirements.

Everything to know about Epic Games Store's new self-publishing tools

Epic Games made the announcement on March 9, saying that the new tools will enable devs and publishers to “efficiently release games, maintain their store presence directly, and reach a growing audience of over 68 million monthly active users.”

Devs can access EGS’ self-service publishing tools through the Epic Developer Portal, where they can build a Coming Soon page, set up game offers, upload test builds, and submit their project for content review.

“Not only can they submit their own game, but [they can] maintain their own presence and constantly update the materials,” Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney told GamesBeat. “They don’t have to work with us directly. It’s an unblocking event for the store going much wider than it’s gone so far.”

There are five main requirements that developers must meet to release their product on the Epic Games Store:

  • Multiplayer titles must support crossplay across all PC stores;
  • All games launching after March 9 should support achievements;
  • Devs must obtain an age rating for their game using a service from the International Age Rating Coalition (available for free);
  • Games must not include discriminatory or illegal content, pornography, scams, frauds, or content that infringes on other intellectual property;
  • Games must meet quality requirements and function properly, so that users can download, install, launch, and play it.

If a product violates these rules, Epic Games will launch a review process to decide whether or not it should be allowed to launch on the store.

The self-publishing service is free to use, except for a standard $100 submission fee per game. Other rules remain the same, including the 12% commission that Epic Games takes.

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